2016年1月13日 星期三

[西洋情歌]Brett Eldredge | One Mississippi 一個密西西比(歌詞/Lyrics)

[西洋情歌]Brett Eldredge | One Mississippi 一個密西西比

Lyrics                                                                  歌詞

One Mississippi, two Mississippi                           一秒鐘,兩秒鐘
Counting down the seconds                                  在灰冷的傑克遜市黎明時分
standing in the wreckage of love                           佇立在愛情的殘骸裡倒數著
On a cold grey Jackson dawn

Oh I just can't watch this, sure can't stop this.        噢我不忍心看著,更不忍心將其止息
I keep waiting, your tail lights are fading.                我一直在等著,你的車尾燈逐漸消失
I see you're already gone.                                      我懂你已經離開了
Half of who I used to be, one Mississippi.               也帶走一半過去的我,一秒鐘

Lipstick on the coffee cup.                                      口紅印在咖啡杯上
I know I should wash it up                                      我知道我該將它洗去
But maybe I'll just wait here for a little while             但或許我會在這裡再等一會兒
I run my fingers around the top                               手指輕撫著杯緣
Where your lips were I just stop                              在你唇印處停下
Cause I, I can almost see your smile                       因為我,我幾乎能看見你的笑臉

And it's one Mississippi, two Mississippi                  過了一秒鐘,兩秒鐘
Counting down the seconds                                     在灰冷的傑克遜市黎明時分
Standing in the wreckage of love                              佇立在愛情的殘骸裡倒數著
On a cold grey Jackson dawn
And I know everybody's got their demons                 我知道每個人的內心都有魔鬼
Everybody's got their reasons                                  每個人都有他離去與遠走的理由
Why they leave when they run
Oh but baby I could have helped you through it           噢但是寶貝我能夠幫妳渡過難關
You built a wall and I couldn't get to it                        你築了一道牆,我便無法抵達
Now I'm waiting for the rain, and the pain to come        現在我正等著雨和痛苦的到來

And it's one Mississippi, two Mississippi                   過了一秒鐘,兩秒鐘
Counting down the seconds                                      在灰冷的傑克遜市黎明時分
Standing in the wreckage of love                               佇立在愛情的殘骸裡倒數著
On a cold grey Jackson dawn
Oh I just can't watch this, sure can't stop this            噢我不忍心看著,更不忍心將其止息
I keep waiting, your tail lights are fading                    我一直在等著,你的車尾燈逐漸消失
I see your already gone                                            我懂你已經離開了
Half of who I used to be, one Mississippi                   也帶走一半過去的我,一秒鐘

Oh one Mississippi yeah yeah yeah oh oh oh             噢一秒鐘

